Bonsai is an art form that uses ancient Japanese gardening techniques to develop, usually in containers, miniature trees that imitate the full grown appearance and size of large mature trees. There are many different styles and varieties of Bonsai, such as Pekinese, Fichus, Juniper, boxwood, Ponderosa pine and Sequoia. Bonsai are not native to the United States. They were brought back from Japan where they originally came from. Now they are becoming popular with American Homeowners.
In general they are used to replace larger trees that have grown too large for the area in which they are growing. This allows them to grow into their natural state without competing with other larger plants or trees. Growing a Bonsai from seeds takes a long time, sometimes as much as twenty years or more. It takes patience, hard work, dedication, and tenacity. The ultimate goal of Bonsai is to create a specimen tree that will outlive its owner.
One of the most basic aspects of growing bonsai are caring for your tree. Growing bonsai trees is similar to caring for any other plant, you must keep it well fed, water it regularly, and provide it with good soil, but in addition you must make certain that your bonsai tree is growing and healthy and does not have any buds growing out of place. Bonsai trees are not genetically dwarfed plants, they are growing organisms within the plant family, so they require just as much nourishment, if not more, than your houseplants. You can buy Bonsai starter kits or seeds at most garden centers or online.
Although they are not considered to be flowers or plants, Bonsai do have a few requirements that must be met in order to thrive and grow. Bonsai trees are actually quite delicate, and some types require very little attention from their owners. They are also relatively small trees, growing up to three feet tall. They typically have small, narrow, upright branches that bend sharply at the tips, and their branches are usually covered with short, pinched leaves. These leaves are used to aid the Bonsai artist in achieving their artistic vision.
Bonsai trees are cultivated and planted in shallow containers, but they do well in other kinds of containers as well. You should not place a Bonsai tree in a deep pot, as they tend to become root-bound. They should only be planted in a shallow container with plenty of light, and you should only keep them indoors for a few hours or so each day. During the warmer months of the year, Bonsai should be kept outdoors and they will do just fine in a ceramic, terracotta, or glass bowl. A Bonsai tree planted outside will need to be watered often during the summer.
Although Bonsai trees are generally smaller than other plants, there are many who prefer them because they are more appealing as art forms. There is a great deal of creativity that goes into Bonsai plant cultivation and Bonsai artworks, and these are a perfect choice for those who do not possess the skills needed for traditional plant gardening. There is an endless variety of Bonsai compositions, and it is up to the owner of the Bonsai to select the type they want and let nature take its course. The owner should keep in mind that Bonsai trees do not tolerate extreme temperatures, so they should never be placed out in the sun. There are many different Bonsai types, but the basic rules of thumb are that the larger the tree is, the less branches it will have, while the darker the color of the foliage on the tree indicates a deeper color.
The most common form of Bonsai is the formal upright Bonsai style. This Bonsai style is distinguished by how the trunk grows upright and in a natural, flowing pattern. However, there is variation among formal upright Bonsai styles. Some Bonsai trees grow upright with a tapering trunk, while others have a trunk that grows straight and upright. Regardless of how the tree grows, the general concept is that the trunk grows upright, and the leaves are held in a curled upward position.
Another very popular Bonsai style is the informal upright Bonsai style, which is characterized by the trunk bending at the base and then twisting back upright once more. In this Bonsai style, the branches grow in a spiral fashion around the base of the trunk, forming a loosely wrapped fan of leaves around it. The tapering trunk of this style creates the appearance of a tree resting gently on the ground. While this form is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, there is usually no method to preserve the roots of this Bonsai style after it has been potted. Instead, the tapering trunks must be tied with Bobby pins and cared for by hand. This is a time consuming and painstaking process, and is generally not recommended for beginners unless they have extensive training in Bonsai art.