Are Bonsai Trees Hard to Take Care Of?

are bonsai trees hard to take care of

When it comes to taking care of bonsai trees, you are probably wondering if it is possible to take care of them without much effort. There are many aspects to this, including the type of water you use, the type of fertilizer you use, and the wind that you face. If you want to have successful bonsai plants, you should know what these aspects are.


Repotting bonsai trees is a crucial part of tree care. Bonsai are fast growing plants and their roots tend to grow faster than the rest of the tree. Therefore, they need to be repotted every couple of years.

Repotting bonsai requires a new pot and fresh soil. You can add akadama, gravel, compost or other organic matter to your soil mixture. It is also a good idea to sanitize your pot before repotting.

The next step is to trim your tree’s roots. If your tree is young, this is a fairly simple process. But if your tree is an older plant, you may need to use a root saw.

Taking a little extra time will help you to make sure that your repotting job goes well. Generally, you should not trim more than 25 percent of the tree’s roots. However, the roots should not be cut too short or too thick.

Before starting the repotting procedure, you should examine your tree to determine if it is rotted, dead or damaged. You should also check to see if the roots are compacted.

When you have checked the roots, it’s time to repot. Make sure that the pot you have chosen is large enough to accommodate your plant. A larger pot allows your plant to receive more water.

After the repotting is complete, you need to water your tree. Watering helps to settle the new soil with the plant’s roots. This also protects the newly transplanted bonsai from windy conditions.

If you notice that the tree’s leaves are yellowing, this is a sign that it isn’t getting the amount of moisture it needs. A dry root system can cause your tree to die.

Depending on the species of your tree, it might need a lime free growing medium. Some evergreens, such as rhododendrons, require a soil that is acidic.

For a mature tree, you should repot every four years or so. Younger trees, however, only need to be repotted once a year.

Be careful not to overwater your tree or you may end up with an unattractive tree. A bonsai is a sensitive plant.


Watering bonsai trees can be a daunting task at times. While it is important to provide enough water to keep the plant healthy, overwatering can lead to root rot and accelerated decomposition. The key to keeping your bonsai healthy is to follow your tree’s watering schedule and check the moisture level of the soil.

One of the easiest ways to determine the moisture levels of the soil is with a finger test. Place your finger in the soil, and if it stays damp, it is time to water.

To get the most accurate results, you can also purchase a moisture meter. These can be found at most gardening stores, and will help you find out how much water your tree needs.

A good watering technique involves a slow trickle of water over the roots. This allows the tree to absorb as much water as possible and avoid excess. You can use a hose, a garden wand, or a fine nozzle to do the job.

Generally speaking, watering a bonsai tree once a day is the standard for most seasons. However, it depends on the climate and type of bonsai. In a hot, dry climate, a tree will need more frequent watering than in a temperate area.

If you have a tree that is especially thirsty, you can purchase an automated watering system to ensure that it gets enough water. Many come with timers, so that you can schedule watering as you see fit.

In addition to watering, you should also check the tree’s leaves for signs of dehydration. Dull, yellow, or wilted leaves can indicate that the tree needs more water. It is also a good idea to cut back on the top growth of the tree. Cutting back leaves can save you a lot of energy, but also can reduce the stress on the tree.

Another easy way to check the moisture level of the soil is to lift up a section of the pot and inspect the soil. If it looks dry, it is time to water.

For serious bonsai gardeners, overhead sprinkler systems are ideal. These are especially helpful if you are away from home for extended periods of time.


Fertilizing bonsai trees is necessary to give them the best chance to flourish. They need a variety of nutrients including nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium. Choosing a fertilizer that has the right amount of each is crucial.

The best type of fertilizer for Bonsai is one that is made from high quality, natural ingredients. It must also have a good, easy-to-read label.

Nitrogen is a key nutrient for Bonsai trees during the developmental stage. This is important for stem growth and leaf development.

Phosphorous helps plants resist disease. Also, this nutrient strengthens the roots.

Bonsai trees should not be fertilized too often as this could lead to stunted growth. You may choose to feed your tree in stages depending on its species and the stage of development.

You should choose a fertilizer with the right NPK ratio, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results. A balanced liquid fertilizer is ideal.

One of the best fertilizers for Bonsai is one that contains a high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous. Nitrogen encourages strong stem growth and healthy leaves. Phosphorous enhances the resilience of plants to a variety of styling methods.

While there is no single magic fertilizer for bonsai trees, the Schultz Plant Food is an effective all-purpose formula for repotting, transplanting, and growing Bonsai. It acts quickly and effectively to correct nutrient deficiencies.

There are many varieties of fertilizer available, so it’s important to read the label and select the best one for your plant. If you are not sure what fertilizer is best for your tree, you can ask your local nursery or garden shop. However, you should avoid chemical-based fertilizers that contain toxic components.

Keeping a schedule of feeding your Bonsai will help ensure it grows well. For most people, this means a monthly application. For older, established trees, reducing the frequency of applications can be beneficial. Taking the time to carefully select the right fertilizer for your bonsai will pay off in the long run.

Keeping a Bonsai healthy is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps and you will be rewarded with a beautiful, healthy plant.


Bonsai trees are susceptible to damage from cold weather, wind, and dehydration. While there are several techniques to protect your bonsai, it is best to be proactive and protect your tree before it’s too late. If you’re not careful, you could lose your prized bonsai.

If you live in a climate where winters are long and cold, your bonsai may need extra protection. If you live in a region that gets heavy rain, it can lead to root rot and make it difficult for your tree to survive.

Your bonsai tree can be sheltered from wind by being placed in a sheltered location. This can include under a bench, under a tree, or in a protected area.

A good way to get a handle on whether your tree needs extra protection is to take note of the wind direction. If it is windy, you might want to position your tree in a wind break such as a fence panel or a small wall.

You can also protect your bonsai by watering it at the right time. When it is cold, the soil near the tree’s roots can freeze, causing the stems to rot and fall off. Watering the bonsai before the wind is likely to make the pot heavier and less likely to be blown away.

In addition, you can use a water quality tester to check the hardness of the water. Hard water can cause itchy skin, soap scum around the sink, and spots on dishes.

Another way to prevent wind-induced damage to your bonsai is to position it in a partially shaded area. Trees that have a lot of foliage are more likely to be blown over than ones with fewer leaves.

When it comes to watering your tree, you can use your tap water or rainwater. Rainwater helps remove salt from the soil and provides an ideal hydration source for your bonsai.

You can also purchase a soil moisture meter, which can be used to gauge the amount of moisture in the soil near the root. The meter is an easy and accurate way to ensure that your bonsai is always well-hydrated.