What Bonsai Trees Can Live Indoors?

what bonsai trees can live indoors

Few bonsai trees are suitable for indoor growing; examples include Ficus and Jade trees.

Indoor bonsai require plenty of light. South, east, and west-facing windows make excellent locations.

Indoor plants often don’t take full advantage of seasonal changes such as temperature and day length fluctuations, leading to decreased health in their growth. This may eventually cause them to decline.


Ficus bonsai trees are popular indoor bonsai trees that thrive in various settings. It should be placed in a room without drafts, air conditioning units, or other potential elements that might damage it, yet still receive ample light during most of its day. While Ficus plants tolerate lower levels of lighting than most others do, for best results new leaves appear light green before gradually darkening until eventually yellowing and falling off naturally; although this process will still accelerate growth over time.

Ficus trees offer another advantage: their tolerance of low humidity levels. This trait makes ficus particularly suitable for dry climates where winter temperatures drop significantly, such as in desert environments like Arizona. Furthermore, these ficus plants can even be grown indoors in terrariums and misted frequently with mist water to increase moisture levels and maintain an ideal atmosphere.

Bonsai trees require frequent fertilizing in order to remain healthy and thrive indoors, where soil may contain less nutrients or receive less sunlight than outdoor environments. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer every two weeks during growing season and once every month during winter.

Indoor bonsai trees such as figs and elms are among the easiest to care for and versatile options, ideal for offices and other environments where people spend most of their time.

Pine trees make excellent indoor bonsai specimens as they have the capacity to tolerate varying temperature changes, growing naturally in tropical and subtropical regions where similar weather occurs year round – this makes them perfect candidates for indoor bonsai cultivation.

Other options for indoor bonsai include the Common Beech, or Buxus occidentalis tree native to Eastern Europe and known for its natural look that complements any space indoors. Perfect for beginners as its care requires minimal attention; suitable for all weather conditions; features multiple branches that can be pruned into unique shapes.


Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is an attractive succulent with lush, deep green leaves, making it a suitable candidate for Bonsai cultivation. With its thick trunk and sturdy branches projecting an image of strength ideal for indoor environments where this trait may be desirable.

As is true of other succulents, Jade plants do well in dry warm climates with plenty of sunlight exposure and require regular attention in order to flourish. You can grow these low maintenance houseplants or train them into Bonsai trees depending on your space availability; when used as Bonsais they do not attract pests or fungal infections and are easily maintained under ideal conditions.

As the first step of creating a jade tree, the initial step should be deciding the shape that you would like it to take on. This could range from creating a single straight trunk, branching trunks or even creating an entire bonsai forest (multiple plants in one pot). Next comes pruning and wiring of your chosen form into place – then just watch your tree flourish into shape.

Once your shape has been created, watering will be necessary to maintain moist soil conditions. Be careful when watering as overwatering may result in root rot in this species – especially during winter months when plants enter dormancy.

Jade trees should only be placed outdoors once the threat of frost has passed and temperatures are above freezing. When doing so, ensure it will receive light shade to avoid direct sun or harsh winds that could burn its leaves. When fall comes around again, bring it back inside before experiencing another frost event.

Growing jade plants from cuttings is an easy and accessible way to start or add variety to your collection of jades. Simply remove a leaf or stem that measures two inches or longer from an established jade plant and use a small pot filled with soil containing coarse sand or pumice for rooting purposes. Place the cutting in its new home for several days so that a callous forms over its cut area, helping prevent rot while encouraging rooting.

Weeping Fig

Weeping fig is a tropical evergreen tree that thrives in warm, humid environments and makes an excellent bonsai plant. Beginners may prefer it because its minimal light requirements and easy maintenance make it suitable for beginners. Furthermore, its small green fruits turn red as they mature; its leaves have deep green hues while its trunks feature smooth bark – this tree makes an excellent indoor bonsai choice because its leaves don’t shed as frequently!

Ficus plants can be used in several styles of indoor bonsai, from formal upright and slanting bonsai to cascade and semi-cascade styles, broom, rock-over-root clasped-to-rock and twin trunk varieties. Furthermore, these versatile plants can also be trained into clump, sinuous or straight line styles for group planting purposes; additionally they’re adaptable to various climates as long as frost protection is provided for them outdoors.

It’s essential to select a container slightly larger than the root system of a sapling tree for optimal root development and growth. A mixture of peat moss, perlite and pine bark would work best. Weeping fig plants prefer high humidity levels; misting when humidity begins to dip can help ensure a healthy environment for them. Pruning and fertilizing weeping fig bonsais on an ongoing basis using slow-release formula fertilizers will ensure maximum health benefits from lush foliage growth and ensure healthy trees!

Bougainvillea trees make an excellent indoor bonsai option, featuring brightly-hued blooms to light up any room and lasting over 1000 years – with proof found today in Italy at Crespi Museum!

Bougainvillea is an extremely adaptable and simple plant to care for, ideal for almost all bonsai styles – particularly Japanese styles. It boasts dense foliage that’s easy to grow under low lighting conditions; in general it requires about an average amount of watering each week, though this tree shouldn’t become demanding as its care demands decline over time.

Fukien Tea

Fukien tea (Carmona retusa and Ehretia buxifolia) is one of the few tropical and subtropical trees suitable for living indoors, making this bonsai more mature than most tropical plants. Popular among those looking to build Penjings or miniature trees in their home environment.

Note that Fukien Tea trees only thrive indoors if exposed to full sunlight, though they can withstand cooler temperatures but not very low ones. If you bring one into your home as a bonsai or bonsai arrangement, be sure to move it before winter begins into a shaded or partially shaded location to protect it from the cold temperatures.

These trees require plenty of moisture in order to thrive, typically requiring a humidity tray filled with water or mist bottle for improved air quality and prevent their soil from drying out. When placing one near heating systems or direct sunlight, try not to place it too close – these could dry out the air too quickly!

This species is particularly sensitive to overwatering, so it’s crucial that only watering when the soil feels dry to touch is done so. Overwatering may lead to root rot; check soil regularly during the day and apply water only when top inch of soil dries out completely.

Repotting bonsai trees once every two to three years is required as their roots expand over time and if too loose in their container they won’t receive adequate nutrition. Therefore, use bonsai mix specifically tailored for these kinds of trees to achieve success.

After pruning has been completed, it is vitally important that the Fukien Tea bonsai be wired so as not to break. This will enable it to retain its form and promote balanced growth. Young branches tend to be flexible and easier to wire; older or mature ones become rigid over time and become harder. When wiring, aluminum alloy bonsai wire will not rust over time and is ideal.