Imperial Bonsai – The Largest Class of Bonsai

An imperial bonsai is the largest class of bonsai trees. These beautiful and unusual miniature trees are housed in Japan’s Imperial Palace. They are not normally able to produce fruit, but can be easily picked. Instead of flowers, these species produce small new leaves. This makes them unique among other types of bonsai. They are … Read more

Imperial Bonsai

An Imperial bonsai is a very rare type of bonsai tree. This type of bonsai has a very special appearance. It is far from your ordinary bonsai and is a true work of art. Unlike your regular bonsai, however, it does require special care. These trees are often more expensive than the average, but are … Read more

How to Start a Bonsai Business

If you want to start cultivating bonsai trees, you can find them on the Internet. They are grown from seedlings taken care of from August to September. The bonsai trees are carefully bred in labs and are hand-selected. The trees come with special containers, which hold soil, rocks, gravel, and additional plants. Some even have … Read more

Types of Bonsai

The two most popular types of bonsai are the literati and the ficus. The Literati style is a great example of the essence of a tree. This style is often seen in museums and features very thin, straight branches. Some experts believe that a Literati style bonsai is the most difficult to grow. In order … Read more

An Overview of the Art of Bonsai

In China, bonsai trees were collected from the wild and shaped by master craftsmen. The availability of bonsai trees diminished over the centuries. Landscape plants and nursery plants were substituted. The art of bonsai cultivation continued, and people learned how to shape their own trees to resemble the naturally sculpted specimens. This article provides an … Read more

How to Trim an Imperial Bonsai

An Imperial bonsai is a hybrid of three different species, including the maple tree, the crabapple tree and the plum tree. The trees were chosen for their foliage, fruit and bark characteristics. The result is a rare and beautiful plant that is perfect for a beginner. These trees require little maintenance and require daily watering. … Read more

The Imperial Bonsai Collection

The Imperial Bonsai Collection was established in 1868, at the beginning of the Meiji era. It is known to have played a significant role in the palace affairs. Today, the collection includes over a thousand bonsai plants from around the world. The collection consists of both live and preserved trees, ranging from common to rare. … Read more

The Best Bonsai Tree For Sale Amazon

The Best Bonsai Tree For Sale Amazon The Amazon bonsai is a popular variety of Japanese-style tree. It grows up to 30 feet tall and is part of the plum family. The Africanized Pomegranate tree is also commonly used as a bonsai tree. Its exotic, dark green color makes it an ideal choice for bonsai. … Read more