Bonsai 101 – How to Decide on the Right Bonsai Tree Species Size Classifications
Bonsai is an art form that originated in China. According to its definition, Bonsai is “a composite tree with roots notched together at certain growth points; these roots are manipulated by pruning, trimming, grafting, or pinching”. In its simplest form, Bonsai is a replica of a natural tree, like a juniper, maple, cherry, oak, plum, lilac, etc., planted in a small container. The art of Bonsai is not recognized by the American Academy of Sciences or the Royal Society of Arts.
There are many types of bonsai trees. The most well-known types of trees used in Bonsai cultivation are Chinese Elm, Chinese Juniper, Chinese Spindle Elm, Ficus, Hawaiian Umbrella, Japanese Maple, Melon, Mung Bean, Pohutukawa, and Rubber Tree. These are just a few of the hundreds of tree species used in growing bonsai plants. One of the most important things to remember is that each type of tree species has their own distinctive look and unique characteristics that lend themselves to appropriate Bonsai growing conditions. Here are a few of the types of trees that can be grown as Bonsai, along with information about how to care for them.
Growing bonsai trees is one of the most popular hobbies today. There are many reasons for this popularity. People love to see their pictures taken with these natural beauties, and they also love to learn about the history of how they became what they are today. Bonsai has become an important part of this interest.
These miniature plants are very appealing. When cared for properly, they can live up to 60 years or more, so they are a good investment. Bonsai growing techniques are meant to bring out the character of each bonsai plant. Some of the important styling techniques are trimming, pruning, and shaping. Each bonsai species has its own unique growth habits and growth requirements, so it is important to pay close attention to follow these closely to ensure successful miniaturization of your miniature tree species.
The first step to caring for a bonsai plant is determining the size classifications of the trees. There are five size classifications for most trees. These are the size classifications used by growers, ornamental artists, in the nursery trade, and the scale in which these trees are available. The classifications are generally from Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, and Miniature. If you are not sure what size classification for your particular tree is in, please visit your local plant nursery and do a little research on the subject.
The second step to taking care of a bonsai tree is deciding whether your miniaturized tree will be indoors or outdoors. Miniature trees are often easier to care for indoors, but outdoor bonsai trees are also a great way to expand your art form. Bonsai trees can also be kept indoors year-round as part of a larger decorative planter. Outdoor bonsai trees should be kept indoors during the winter months. Miniature trees can be placed outside on their own patio deck or attached to a gazebo or other structure.
Bonsai can have an impact on your personal life and art form, so it is important to take the time to research your miniature tree species. This will ensure that you make the right choice when caring for your miniature tree. Bonsai can have deep spiritual and psychological meanings for many people, and they can bring comfort, peace, and serenity to your life.
You can learn a great deal about bonsai by consulting books and magazines, and also by visiting your local library. Bonsai grower and enthusiasts can use the Internet as well, to search for articles on bonsai trees, as well as bonsai tree species size classifications. You can also find lists of reputable bonsai nurseries and specialists. Some websites may even offer forums and newsletters to help you learn more about caring for these beautiful plants. Bonsai art form and the ancient Japanese culture that it’s based upon is truly an art form that should not be overlooked.