Bonsai Tree Upkeep

bonsai tree upkeep

There are several aspects to bonsai tree upkeep. These include watering, repotting, pruning and fertilizing. If you don’t do them, your tree can suffer. You need to follow these simple steps in order to keep your tree in good shape.


Watering bonsai trees can be challenging, especially in the colder months. However, if you follow a few tips, you can make it easier on yourself.

Having a proper watering system can be a lifesaver, especially if you tend to travel a lot. There are a variety of different types of watering cans, from plastic to copper. Make sure you choose a watering can that fits your hands well.

For the best results, use rainwater. Rainwater is ideal because it has no chemicals added. You can collect rainwater from your own garden or from your yard. Some people store rainwater in a pottery or other container.

Aside from rainwater, you can also use regular tap water. But be careful, as regular tap water can be full of chemicals.

The most important part of watering your bonsai is making sure you get the right amount. Watering too much or too little can damage your bonsai. If you see yellowing leaves or a wilting tree, stop immediately.

If you are watering your bonsai from the ground, ensure you have a good drainage hole. This will allow the water to drain away from the soil, and prevent water from pooling.

It’s also a good idea to use a soil moisture meter. They are available online and can help you figure out how much moisture your bonsai is retaining.

Using an automatic watering system can save you time, but be careful to set up your watering schedule. An automatic system can be costly and tricky to setup.

One of the most important steps in watering your bonsai is to remember to water in the morning. This helps the roots absorb more water, and can reduce the need to water as often. Similarly, you should avoid watering the trees before sundown. That way, you don’t scorch the foliage.

Another thing to watch out for is waterlogging. Your bonsai could dry out completely, or even start to rot, if you have too much water on the ground.

If you do not have time to water your bonsai daily, you can have someone come out to your garden to do it for you. You can also buy an automatic sprinkler system.


You need to follow a proper fertilizing schedule to ensure that your bonsai tree is properly fed. Fertilizers are available in liquid or solid forms. Some are organic while others are synthetic. The best way to find the right type is to read the instructions on the package. This will help you determine the type of fertilizer that your bonsai needs.

For young trees, use a fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen. Nitrogen helps the plant grow more leaves. As the tree ages, use a fertilizer with a lower concentration of nitrogen.

It is important to water the soil before applying any fertilizer. This will help the soil absorb the nutrients. Watering the soil also helps the roots absorb the fertilizer. A good fertilizer should have beneficial ingredients and a label that is easy to read.

If you choose to use liquid organic fertilizer, make sure to use it once a week. The liquid form is fast-acting and can be washed away with water.

If you choose to use solid fertilizers, you can place the pieces in a mesh cup or basket. Once you have placed the pellets in the soil, wait 15-21 days for them to decompose. When this process is complete, you can use them again.

Depending on the type of fertilizer, you can apply it every other day or once a week. Some fertilizers release their nutrients as they dissolve in the water. Other types release their nutrients as they are absorbed by the plant’s root system.

Whether you use organic or synthetic, fertilizer is essential to the health of your bonsai. While synthetic fertilizers can speed up growth, they can also damage the tree’s roots. In addition, some chemical-based fertilizers can contain toxic elements. So, it is always a good idea to use an organic product.

To help your bonsai tree get the proper amount of nutrients, use a time-released formula. Most garden shops carry liquid and granulated fertilizers. Liquids are more effective and faster acting than granular fertilizers. They also can be more economical.

Make sure to read the directions on the packaging carefully and take note of any special instructions. If you do not follow the instructions, you may end up damaging your bonsai.

Structural pruning

Pruning a bonsai tree is one of the many things that need to be done to maintain the health and beauty of the tree. The right type of pruning can keep the tree looking great while removing deadwood and wounds.

Structural pruning is a great way to add shape to your bonsai and improve its aesthetics. This method is best used on younger plants. It is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of skill and patience.

To prune a bonsai tree properly, you need to understand its growth cycle. Knowing the tree’s apical dominance, the node, and the main branches will help you make wise decisions regarding your pruning.

The main stem of a tree grows more dominant than side stems. In a nutshell, this means that the main stem can grow much taller than the side stems. A good way to counter this is to prune the top portions of the tree.

Structural pruning is also an excellent technique to remove deadwood from your bonsai. It can help you avoid having to deal with a lot of brown foliage.

It is a good idea to carry out maintenance pruning during the spring or summer, before the growing season begins. Most plant experts recommend doing one large maintenance task per year.

The main reason for a structure-pruning is to give the tree a more basic shape. This is usually achieved by cutting large branches. However, this may not be feasible for all types of trees.

Structural bonsai pruning is a more extreme form of pruning than a maintenance cut. After pruning, your bonsai will need time to recover from the stress. You can also use bonsai wire to flex the joints of your leaf twigs to achieve a sharper bend.

A general rule of thumb is that you should not prune more than 25-30% of your foliage at once. Cutting too much at once can make your bonsai look untidy.

While structural pruning is a powerful technique, you should not do it all at once. You should also consider your tree’s species before attempting any pruning.


Repotting bonsai trees is important because it helps maintain the health and vitality of your bonsai. When you repot a tree, it means you remove it from its existing pot and place it in a new one with fresh soil. This ensures that the tree receives all the nutrients and water it needs.

If you’ve noticed that your tree hasn’t grown as much as it should, it’s time to repot. In most cases, you won’t have to replace the entire pot. Depending on your tree’s species, you may have to remove part of its root system.

Before you can remove the bonsai tree from its old pot, you’ll have to prepare the growing medium. The best media for repotting is a dry mix. A good mix of akadama, pumice, or lava rock will help with aeration and drainage.

You should wait a minimum of two weeks before repotting your bonsai. During this time, you can also check the tree for root problems. Root regrowth and nutrient bursts can occur during this period.

Once you’ve prepared the growing medium, it’s time to prepare the tree. Make sure that the pot is firm and the soil is airy. Bonsai soil is more dense than regular potting soil. For this reason, you’ll need to use a rake to loosen the roots.

Ideally, you should wait until early spring to repot your bonsai. At this time, the tree will be beginning to grow stronger. Also, if you see circling roots, it’s a sign that it’s time for a repot.

As you move the bonsai into its new pot, you’ll have to trim its roots. After all, if the roots are too long, they won’t fit into the pot. It’s also a good idea to remove any wires and cables.

Be careful not to overwater your bonsai during this process. Watering the tree too much can lead to stunted growth and discoloration of the leaves.

Be cautious with your repotting and follow the tips above to ensure a successful and healthy repot. Your bonsai tree will thank you in the end.