If you’re looking for a bonsai tree that doesn’t require direct sunlight, consider the following choices: Benjamin Ficus, Carmona, Chinese Banyan, and Lucky Bamboo. These are not only easy to grow, but they also have a special purpose in Chinese Feng Shui: they improve the flow of healing energy. Another great choice is the Norfolk Island pine, a low-light-demanding species. Be aware, however, that these trees cannot survive at temperatures below 35 degrees.
A Carmona bonsai is not particularly difficult to grow. Although it doesn’t require direct sunlight, it can be styled with pruning. Its naturally small leaves are ideal for bonsai, so pruning should be done in the winter months. Repotting is needed every two years. This tree is not wired, as this can damage the trunk and root system. It can grow both indoors and out.
Plant your Carmona bonsai in the spring. Make sure that you don’t prune the plant too heavily, and leave some sections to rest and recover. When repotting your Carmona, only cut about 1/3 of the root system, as it doesn’t like to have its roots pruned too severely. Keep your Carmona in a location with enough light and humidity.
The Carmona bonsai is native to tropical climates, but you can still grow it indoors if the temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter, it needs indirect light, but can tolerate sunlight in summer months. During these months, it’s best to place your bonsai in a sunny window sill to take advantage of the daytime hours.
Care for your Carmona bonsai is easy. However, if you find that your plant is losing leaves, you can try misting it indoors. Misting will help keep the humidity around the plant, which is important especially during colder months, when central heating is likely to dry out the air. If you prune your Carmona plant, make sure to use healing paste when pruning. You should do this pruning at the end of winter, just before new buds begin to grow. You can pinch the leaves as needed throughout the spring.
Chinese Banyan
When considering which plants are best for bonsai, you may want to consider the following: Lucky bamboo and Norfolk Island pine. Both of these plants grow slowly and do not require direct sunlight. Lucky bamboo is considered a ‘good luck’ tree in Chinese Feng Shui and enjoys morning and afternoon partial sun. Alternatively, you can choose a plant that needs more direct sunlight, such as a Cedar tree. Cedar bonsai trees are popular because of their evergreen features. Their needles range from a silvery-blue to a bluish green color. Other great bonsai trees include the Brazilian Rain Tree, a ‘Japanese Banyan’ cross. Pomegranates are a great choice for bonsai, due to their shallow root system and the
While many bonsai trees don’t need direct sunlight, they are still very attractive indoors. Some of them can survive for a few months in low light, and others will go dormant and slow down their growth during the winter. Hawaiin umbrella trees are an excellent choice if you need low light bonsai trees. Moreover, they require indirect sunlight.
When choosing the right indoor location, don’t forget about the humidity. While it’s a popular misconception that indoors is a better climate for growing bonsai trees, indoor environments can make them suffer. You can add humidity to the room where you’re growing your trees by placing humid trays over them. Another way to increase humidity is to mist the tree frequently to keep the soil moist.
Another important factor when choosing the right indoor location for your bonsai tree is its climate. Unlike the tropical plants, bonsai trees do not need full sunlight to grow. Moreover, the humidity in our homes is not as humid as in the tropical environment. As a result, you can try misting the plant or keeping it in the windows. You can also buy a humidifier for your home to provide the right humidity to your bonsai.
One tree that doesn’t need sunlight is the Chinese elm. These are slow-growing plants that can be grown indoors or outdoors in USDA Zones four to nine. They are easy to care for, require little sunlight and don’t suffer from insect infestations. If you do have spider mites, however, it is easy to control with neem oil.
Brazilian Rain Tree
In order to create a bonsai tree that doesn’t need sunlight, choose a species that does. Some species require full sun while others prefer partial sunlight during the day. Boxwood is a great choice because it will tolerate both sun and shade, though it will need to be protected from frost during the winter. Another good choice is the pomegranate, which is suitable for bonsai culture due to its shallow root system. It needs full sun but can be kept in partial shade during the summer months.
Another option for bonsai trees that don’t need sunlight is to use artificial lights. These lights aren’t necessary for a Hawaiian umbrella tree to thrive. Another option is to place the tree in a sunny window. The intensity of the artificial light doesn’t need to be high, so you can place your bonsai tree on a humidity tray and mist it frequently. Alternatively, you can open windows to allow warm air to circulate.
If you live in a colder climate, you can try growing bonsai trees indoors. Many varieties do better outside, but there are several types of indoor bonsai trees that do not require sunlight. Luckily, ficus is one of them. While indoor growing is easier, ficus species that can withstand cold weather thrive outdoors. So, if you’re in a cool climate, this is the perfect choice.
Another option is using a humidity tray. Ideally, indoor bonsai trees need 16 hours of indirect light each day. If you’re unable to provide this amount of sunlight, you can add artificial lights. You can use LED grow lights or full spectrum fluorescent lights to meet the specific needs of subtropical bonsai trees. These artificial lights should be placed at least a foot away from the windows or doors.
Another low-light bonsai is the guava tree. This tree doesn’t require much care, and is great for beginners. They grow tall and lush, and will become mesmerizing as they age. You can also choose a pine bonsai tree, but be aware that it requires a lot of sunlight and air circulation, so it’s not the best option for beginners.
Benjamin Ficus
Some types of bonsai trees do not require a great deal of sunlight. These low-light bonsai trees can still be beautiful and easy to grow. For example, the rubber tree requires little light but can still produce stunning leaves. If the light you have available is inadequate for your tree, try placing it in a room with lower lights. If this is not possible, consider a tropical species such as the ficus or a subtropical type.
Another tree that does not require full sunlight is the Juniper Procumbens Nana. The Blue Jacaranda bonsai is known for its beautiful, long-lasting violet blooms. It is best grown in partial sunlight, since full sun can damage its delicate leaves and flowers. Another easy-to-grow bonsai is the Chinese Banyan, a cross between the ‘Crassifolia’ and ‘Retusa’.
In addition to direct sunlight, indoor bonsai need humidity. It should be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit to grow properly. In cooler climates, however, you should be careful not to place your bonsai near windows and doors. Keep the temperature appropriate for the type of plant you’ve selected. Then, you can choose to grow subtropical bonsai, which can tolerate much lower temperatures.
Another sign that your bonsai needs more sunlight is if its leaves are big and leggy. A lack of sunlight will also cause the tree to use less water and may even lead to mold formation. The only way to find out if your bonsai needs additional light is to observe it closely. You can purchase portable lights that will provide sufficient light. If you don’t have a window, you can buy a portable light source to place near your bonsai.
You can also grow ficus trees indoors. They will thrive without direct sunlight, but they should be kept out of direct sunlight. Some varieties of ficus do better outdoors. In these areas, however, you may want to consider growing species that can be grown outdoors. For example, ficus species that grow best in USDA zones 10 and 11 can thrive indoors.