Bonsai Types – Selecting The Right One For Your Herb Garden
There are five main bonsai types, with subspecies and hybrids being developed all over the world. In North America, there are seven common varieties, with one more being discovered each year. These are the Chiu, Shohin, Kohaku, Chiyo, Gingko, and Kohaku-mochi.
Shohin trees are native to China and are one of the oldest types of bonsai trees used as a sapling or starter plant. Shohin trees are best grown in soils with low nitrogen and acidic levels. Because of their slow growth, they are most often planted in deeper containers. Some varieties, such as the Kohaku trees, can be grown directly into the soil. The Shohin trees are known to tolerate some shade, but they need a lot of sun in order to grow properly. Juniper bonsai are most often grown as an indoor bonsai and are often housed in special ceramic pots with shallow drainage holes.
Shohin is a subspecies of the Japanese maple tree, and like the Chinese maple it is also used as a bonsai type. Growing Shohin trees is possible indoors, as long as they are given ample light. The branches of this Chinese maple are very sturdy, and the slow-growing habit makes them ideal for bonsai plants. It takes many years to develop these beautiful bonsai trees, and as a result, they are usually maintained by replacing the original root ball every few years with a new one. The slow growing habit of the Shohin tree makes it ideal for bonsai beginners who want a slow-growing plant, and they can often be found at farmer’s markets and nursery stores around the country.
Ficus is another popular bonsai type that is used for indoor bonsai work. Like most ficus trees, they are slow growing and will keep to a very reasonable size once established. A key quality of a ficus tree is that it has very fine leaves that have a strong stem and are ideal for training into any number of different shapes. Like the Shohin tree, they are also well suited for indoor growing. Ficus can be kept at about size for about two years, after which time they can be repotted with a new container.
There are many species of bonsai trees that are available for bonsai growing, and learning about them is a good way to ensure that your future bonsai planting is the right one. Diamond conifers are generally popular for their beauty and easy growth, and they make ideal cuttings for beginners. Many people choose conifers because they are relatively easy to care for once established, and the fine cuttings available to provide just the right start for beginners. These conifers can also be grown outdoors in full sun.
Chinese elm ferns are a popular choice for bonsai, because they are fairly fast growing, and their roots spread quite easily. Chinese elm ferns are popular because of their versatility: they can be used to create any shape from a small trunk to a large tree with a wide trunk. Because they are so versatile, Chinese elm ferns are one of the best choices for beginners. These trees are sometimes called Chinese elmwarts. They are a bit more expensive than most ferns, but they are much easier to care for once established, and grow to a very reasonable size. Some of these trees have beautiful flowers and foliage.
One of the best options for beginner bonsai plants is the starter plant, because these make the process much easier for a novice, and they are often less expensive than some of the exotic or semi-exotic plants that you may end up wanting in your bonsai business. Starter plants are usually inexpensive, plastic pots that fit indoors in an area with even lighting and high water retention. They will usually require misting or frequent watering, and they should be pruned regularly to keep them from becoming too crowded or elongated. You will find that most starter plants like their containers to be about six inches in diameter.
Bonsai seeds are the most expensive part of starting your bonsai tree business, because these can cost anywhere from twenty to fifty dollars per bag. However, when you consider the time and effort that you can save by growing your own bonsai trees in containers, the seeds aren’t really an expense at all. If you love growing your own herbs, spices, and vegetables, then seeds may be the easiest way to go, as they take less time to germinate, and you can save the plants from getting invasive into your garden if you grow them in smaller containers that fit indoors.