Can Bonsai Trees Live Outside?

can bonsai trees live outside

Whether you are a novice in the world of bonsai or you are a professional, there are certain things that you should know before you attempt to bring your bonsai out of the window. Some tips include:


Whether you have an outdoor or indoor bonsai tree, it is vital that you water the tree correctly. Not enough water can cause rot in the roots of the tree, which may lead to wilting or death.

One of the best ways to water your bonsai is with rainwater. This is because it will help eliminate any salt buildup in the soil. You can also store the water for future use.

Another way to water your bonsai is to soak the pot in a container of water. Make sure to use a soft shower setting. You can also use a hose sprayer. This will keep the soil moist all night long.

You can measure the moisture content of the soil by using a soil moisture meter. These are easy to use and will tell you the exact level of moisture in the soil. You can find them in a garden store or your local nursery.

Depending on the size of your tree, you may only need to water it once a day in the spring and summer, or twice a day in the fall and winter. Your species of tree and location will also affect your watering schedule.

The best time to water your bonsai is early in the morning before the sun has fully risen. This will allow the water to soak into the root system, rather than just sit on the surface.

Proper soil

Choosing the right soil for bonsai trees can be difficult. There are many different mixes available, and not all are suitable for every tree species. It’s best to find a mix that will provide your tree with the nutrients it needs. It’s also important to check the pH level. You’ll want to avoid a PH level higher than 8.0, which can kill your bonsai.

A good bonsai mix will have a good balance of water retention and aeration. It should also have a pH level of 6.5 or above. This will allow the roots of your plant to stay healthy.

One of the main ingredients of bonsai soil is called akadama. It’s a hard-baked Japanese clay. It’s a great absorber of water and nutrients, and it breaks down slowly after two years.

Another common ingredient is fine gravel, or “grit.” It’s a coarse material used to improve drainage and aeration. You can also add pumice, akadama, or clay to your mix. If you don’t have akadama, you can use kitty litter.

To make sure your bonsai has the perfect balance of aeration and drainage, you need to use a soil mix with particles that are large enough to create air pockets. These air pockets will allow organic materials to break down and pass nutrients to your tree’s root system.

Using a soil mix that doesn’t have proper aeration will encourage fungal growth and root rot. Without adequate aeration, your plant’s photosynthesis process will be impaired.


Whether you’re growing a tropical or sub-tropical bonsai tree, you will need to provide the best light possible. The sun is an important source of energy for all plants and bonsai, but they need a little extra to flourish.

Various species of bonsai require varying degrees of direct or indirect sunlight. If you’re growing a tropical bonsai, you should try to ensure that your plant gets at least 5 hours of direct sunlight per day during the summer.

Some sub-tropical bonsai can be grown indoors, but you’ll need to add more artificial lighting during the colder months. If your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight, it may suffer from fungal infections and water retention. You’ll also need to ensure that your soil stays moist between waterings.

Some types of bonsai can handle partial shade. Depending on your region, you may need to keep your plant in a humid tray for several days each week. You may also need to increase your watering frequency.

Although bonsai trees aren’t meant to be kept inside, some can be moved from room to room. In the first few weeks, it’s best to keep them in the shade. In the final week, they can be placed in full sunlight. The best part about this is that your tree will be able to continue growing in the indoors once the winter is over.

Having a good understanding of the different types of bonsai and their corresponding lighting needs will help you get the most out of your investment.


Choosing the right type of fertilizer for your bonsai trees is a very important factor in the health of the plants. Different types of fertilizers have different ratios of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (NPK) and should be used according to the stage of growth of the plant.

When purchasing fertilizer, it is very important to read the manufacturer’s directions. Many of these fertilizers break down by microbial action, which releases nutrients into the soil in the form that the roots of the plants can absorb.

There are two main types of fertilizers for bonsai: liquid and granulated. Both are good for the garden and can be used on bonsai, flowering plants, and other types of ornamental plants. It is important to follow the directions for each kind of fertilizer to ensure that the nutrients are evenly distributed.

Bonsai growers should also avoid using products that contain high levels of urea, which is a synthetic chemical that replenishes nitrogen. This may burn the roots of the trees and result in yellow leaves.

The best time to fertilize your bonsai is in the spring and summer. These are the seasons when the trees first wake up from hibernation and begin to grow. It is important to feed the tree at this time to give it the strength it needs for growth.

For the rest of the year, it is advisable to feed your bonsai with a liquid fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers can be found in most garden stores. They are easy to apply and quickly absorbed into the soil.

Dormant vs alive

Keeping your bonsai trees alive during the winter season can be a challenge. During this time, you must protect your bonsai from the cold weather, as well as water it.

When it comes to identifying whether or not your bonsai is dormant or alive, you’ll want to pay close attention to the leaves. If your tree has lost its leaves, it is likely to be dormant.

Some plants are in the dormant phase for a variety of reasons. In some cases, a plant is waiting for warmer weather to revive it. In other cases, it may be recovering from a disease or insect infestation.

One of the most common problems with bonsai trees is overwatering. During the dormant stage, plants need less water than during the active growth phase.

However, if you see brownish twigs, you might have an overwatered tree. This is a sign that you need to cut back dead roots. It will help your plant optimize its resources.

Another way to tell if your bonsai is dormant is to scratch the bark of twigs. Then, you’ll see the brown wood underneath.

If your tree is dormant, it will be less likely to suffer from pests. If you’re worried about your tree’s health, you can treat it with a dormant oil. The oil will help the tree recover and avoid disease.

It’s also a good idea to repot your bonsai. Aside from preventing the growth of mold and other harmful insects, repotting will allow you to remove the dead roots.

Reviving a dormant tree

Trying to revive a dormant Bonsai tree can be a frustrating experience. However, it can be done. In order to do so, you’ll need to first identify what caused the tree to die and how to cure it. There are several reasons for the death of a tree, and each of them has a unique treatment.

The first thing you should do is remove the tree from its pot. Then, you’ll want to look for any signs of infection, such as fungus or insects. You should also inspect the leaves for red spots.

If you see any of these signs, you should remove the tree from its container and inspect the roots. If the roots are damaged, you’ll need to trim them. This will regenerate the tree and strengthen it. If the roots are healthy, they will be light in color.

The second step is to place the tree in a new pot. The new pot should contain a good mix of potting soil and moss. It should also be in a warm, shady location. You’ll want to ensure the pot has adequate drainage holes.

If you don’t have a new pot, you can repot the tree in its old one. Just be sure to wash off the root system with a damp cloth.

The third step is to repot the tree in a larger pot. The larger the pot, the better the chances of your tree reviving. You’ll want to use a good mixture of perlite, sphagnum moss, and nutrient-rich potting soil.