Care of your bonsai tree in winter is crucial to its health. This time of year can be extremely cold and the winter season can cause your tree to suffer. Before you begin the winter season, learn about the species of bonsai trees you have and what the winter conditions are in your area. Below, you’ll find some tips to take care of your bonsai tree. After the winter months are over, your tree will be healthier than ever.
Storage of bonsai trees in winter
The most important thing to remember when storing bonsai trees in the winter is temperature and humidity. Temperatures of fifteen degrees or less are considered a “freezing point” for trees in most parts of the world. Although trees with deep roots can tolerate freezing temperatures, those in shallow containers will need additional protection. Here are some tips to store your bonsai properly. Let’s start with some basics.
When the temperatures fall below zero, your bonsai will not enter dormancy. However, in colder climates, trees might need consistent highs and lows of the low 20s. To accommodate the cold winter temperatures, you should treat your tree for fungus and insects. You should also use soil that readily accepts water. Fortunately, you can find suitable winter storage solutions for your bonsai. You need to understand your climate and local climate to know how much shelter you will need to keep it healthy.
Some people store their bonsai trees in their garages. A good garage with an insulated floor is preferable to an unattached garage with a cement floor. But if you don’t have a garage, you can still store your bonsai in a styrofoam box. The Polar Tech Styrofoam Box is large enough to hold two bonsai. A good styrofoam box can prevent your bonsai from being exposed to excessively cold temperatures.
When winter comes around, you should consider moving your bonsai to a warm room in your house. Keep in mind that hot air from vents can damage your bonsai. Changing the air vents in your home can also cause extreme temperature swings. You’ll need to wait until the temperatures fall into the lower teens or even twenties to safely store your bonsai.
Before storing your bonsai tree, you must protect the soil. Use mulch or snow to pack around the pot. This will help prevent the soil from freezing and prevent ice from forming. Also, make sure the soil you use for your bonsai is permeable, so that the water can pass through the tree. It may take some patience, but it’s worth it. Once you’ve done these things, your bonsai will be a lot healthier than ever!
Protection of bonsai trees from critters
If you are looking for ways to protect your bonsai tree over the winter, you should keep in mind a few important tips. Aphids are a very common critter and they can cause considerable damage to your Bonsai tree. These insects are green but can also be black or grey. They will often live on the bottom of the leaves and new stem growth. They can be particularly damaging during active growth periods.
Cold temperatures kill pests and keep diseases from developing on your bonsai tree. In colder climates, you can leave your bonsai uncovered until temperatures drop below -10°F. However, if you live in a tropical climate, your trees can tolerate a little bit of cold. However, if you live in an area where temperatures can drop to freezing, protection is imperative.
One method for protecting your bonsai during winter is to cover the tree with a wood frame. Ensure that you purchase one that is 6 to 12 inches high and fits the bonsai snugly in the center. You should make sure the frame is made from waterproof material to prevent any damage. The best wood to use is cherry lumbar, but whichever type of wood you choose, make sure it is waterproof.
You should also consider protecting your plants from animals. While you don’t want to keep a bonsai tree inside the house, it should still be protected from critters. While the plant needs artificial light to grow, a 40-watt fluorescent light is usually sufficient. It should be located within three to four inches of the plant and be on for at least 15 to 18 hours each day. If you are not comfortable keeping your bonsai outdoors, consider placing it indoors during the winter.
Another important tip for protecting your bonsai during winter is to remove all leaves from your bonsai tree. The leaves of deciduous trees should be removed from their pots and brown needles on conifers. You can also treat your bonsai with dormant oil to help it recover and prevent the spread of disease. And of course, it’s a good idea to regularly check the bonsai for any mouse bites.
Pruning of bonsai trees in winter
Winter pruning is crucial for your bonsai tree. If you cut off too much foliage, it will produce fewer roots and less photosynthesis. Keeping a little bit of foliage on the plant is fine, but excessively cutting back the tree can lead to it having a less attractive appearance. In addition, small amounts of foliage can lead to less photosynthesis. Here are some tips for winter pruning of bonsai trees.
When pruning your bonsai tree, remember that you don’t need to cut off all the branches. This is not about cutting off the tree’s branches, but about pruning out the ones that are ineffective. The root system transports nutrients and water up the tree, like reverse photosynthesis. Almost all the water that reaches the tree’s top is taken in by the tiny root hairs that are found on its tips. Hence, big, fat roots don’t help your Bonsai. Instead, you should balance the roots that support the tree and those that aid in photosynthesis.
The main goal of winter pruning is to encourage new growth on the inner side of the bonsai tree. The inner side of the tree tends to dry out because of poor ventilation and lack of sunlight. This way, pruning the inner side of the tree will make them more visible. You can use a concave branch cutter to prune thick branches without leaving a scar. After completing the pruning process, cover the wound with a clotting agent or tissue sealant.
While winter pruning is not necessary, it is best to do it when the tree is in good growth. If you can’t do it in winter, you should wait until spring to start the work. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until spring to start pruning your bonsai tree. In the springtime, you can make the pruning process easier. You can then take care of your tree. If you want to minimize winter pruning, you can make use of pinching during the growing season and prune it when the tree is not actively growing.
Before pruning your bonsai trees, be sure to remove all dead leaves and branches from your plant. You can also remove brown needles from conifers and leaves from deciduous trees. Apply dormant oil or diluted oil to the soil around your bonsai tree during winter. This can help your tree recover and prevent the spread of disease. If you do prune your tree regularly, you can keep it healthy during winter.
Maintenance of bonsai trees in winter
As summer comes to an end, the first thing to do is to prepare your bonsai tree for winter. You should place it in a shallow tray filled with water. This will provide additional moisture for your tree and reduce moisture loss caused by modern heating systems. If you don’t have a shallow tray, consider purchasing one to help with maintenance. In any case, the tree will be happy in its new home.
Water your bonsai more frequently during winter than in warm weather. When the top soil feels dry, water the bonsai. It’s easy to tell when your bonsai needs water by observing its weight. Another helpful guide is the colour of the soil. Make sure to avoid over-watering your bonsai during winter. During the day, the top soil should be moist but not wet.
Proper watering is vital to the health of your bonsai. Watering it should be done at least once a week or when the top soil feels dry. A little bit of air bubbles in the soil indicates that it is time to water. If you don’t feel like watering your bonsai daily, you should consider putting it in a container with a shallow tray.
Fertilize your bonsai once or twice a month. If you have an indoor bonsai, you can fertilize it only once or twice a month. You should use general-purpose liquid fertilizer available in most garden centers. The strength of the fertilizer should be half as much as you would use for a houseplant. Over-fertilizing can burn the roots of your bonsai and cause stress.