What Bonsai Trees Can Be Kept Indoors?

When it comes to keeping bonsai trees indoors, you’ll have a lot of choices. You can choose from Chinese elms, Ginseng ficus, dwarf umbrellas and Ponytail palms. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages. But, you should consider how your specific living conditions will impact your choice. Ficus trees If you are looking for an … Read more

How Bonsai Trees Are Made

How bonsai trees are made can be a complicated topic, but with a little research and a bit of knowledge you’ll be able to create a beautiful, living tree in no time. Some of the most popular varieties are Juniper, Crabapple, Bodhi, and Yamadori. Each has its own history and unique characteristics, so it’s important … Read more

Which Bonsai Trees Are Indoor?

You want to know which bonsai trees are suitable for an indoor environment. While a lot of these types of plants will thrive outdoors, there are also some that can be grown in the home for an added touch of greenery. Ficus retusa Ficus retusa bonsai trees are indoor bonsai that are thriving and easy … Read more

Bonsai Tree Upkeep

There are several aspects to bonsai tree upkeep. These include watering, repotting, pruning and fertilizing. If you don’t do them, your tree can suffer. You need to follow these simple steps in order to keep your tree in good shape. Watering Watering bonsai trees can be challenging, especially in the colder months. However, if you … Read more

Why Are Bonsai Trees So Special?

If you are new to bonsai trees, you may be wondering why they are so special. Bonsai has many different traditions, which make it a unique experience. This article will help you learn about a few of them. Chinese elm The Chinese Elm is a beautiful plant, and is one of the most common bonsai … Read more

What Bonsai Trees Can Grow Indoors?

If you’re planning to get into bonsai, you may be wondering what kinds of trees you can grow indoors. There are several species of trees that you can consider, including Chinese elm, Hawaiian umbrella tree, Serissa japonica, and Ficus. The question of whether or not a particular bonsai will grow well in your home depends … Read more

What Does it Mean to Bonsai a Tree?

If you’re interested in getting into the art of bonsai, you might have a lot of questions. Fortunately, the Internet is full of useful information about the history, technique, and philosophy of this ancient Japanese art. Upright bonsai represent old trees that have weathered the elements Bonsai is an ancient art form that has been … Read more

Bonsai Tree Vs Juniper Bonsai

Whether you’re interested in a bonsai tree or a juniper bonsai, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to caring for your trees. Depending on the type of tree you’re buying, you may need to purchase different types of plants and care for them differently. Repotting a bonsai tree Whether … Read more

Can Bonsai Trees Live Outside?

Whether you are a novice in the world of bonsai or you are a professional, there are certain things that you should know before you attempt to bring your bonsai out of the window. Some tips include: Watering Whether you have an outdoor or indoor bonsai tree, it is vital that you water the tree … Read more