Bonsai varieties are the miniature plants that are used to train or shape these plant and tree types into natural landscapes. Bonsai is the artistic and complex way of caring for and tending to these tiny plants, trees and shrubs. Growing tips for Bonsai trees range from what type of Bonsai should be used, to what plants and trees are best suited to Bonsai growing. There is a wide selection of Bonsai that can be grown and cared for with the use of a special type of Bonsai pot.
One of the most popular Bonsai varieties is the Mame (pronounced: ‘mam’ -ee). This species of bonsai trees has dark green leaves and a trunk with thick branches. Mame bonsai trees are known for their elegance and grace. The ficus bonsai trees are another popular type of Bonsai. These ficus bonsai trees have medium green leaves and medium dark green branches that form a graceful shape when they bend in the wind. The ficus is a deciduous tree and needs constant humidity to survive.
The second most popular Bonsai variety is the Chumon (pronounced: ‘Chuum-on’) is a beautiful ficus that will easily tolerate dry soil. Chumon trees are very easy to care for, they don’t need much attention and they make a beautiful bonsai with the right amount of pruning. Chumon is commonly used as a bonsai for beginners due to its ease of growth and low maintenance levels. The three main types of Chumon are; Kohaku, Mame and Matsu. Kohaku is considered to be the strongest of the three because of its thick branches and dense foliage, the Mame is considered the weakest of the three due to its less dense foliage and easily sprouting new growth.
Another popular choice for bonsai gardening is the Pekin. Pekin trees have thick, green leaves and the bark is coarsely textured, this is what gives it the name. Pekins come in many different varieties such as; red, silver, blue, pink and black. These bonsai varieties can be started from seed, propagation of which is simple and can be maintained by giving them partial shade during the day and full sun at night. They make wonderful indoor bonsai that will mature into a beautiful mature tree.
The third most popular and widely used variety of indoor bonsai plants are the Juniper. Junipers have dark green foliage and if cared for properly can turn into some of the most beautiful bonsai plants. Junipers are part of the ficus family and are easy to grow with great color. Most of these bonsai trees are conifers and due to the bark of this specific variety being able to change the length, they can easily be differentiated from their ficus cousins. Junipers do not require a large amount of maintenance as they only need to be given partial shade during the day and full sun at night, nothing special.
Most bonsai enthusiasts will agree that some of the best looking bonsai plants are those that are given full sun and no, I am not referring to growing mushrooms. There is a lot of information on how to care for a tree in Japanese terminology, but the basic guidelines are that you give the plant as much exposure to sunlight as it receives each day, there are other requirements of the course. These guidelines are very general and are easy to follow. There are a few growing tips you should keep in mind when caring for a tree.
Most bonsai gardening enthusiasts will agree that it is important that the soil and root systems of the plant are healthy before trying to prune the branches. If you notice that the branches are becoming unruly, there are a few things you can try. If the branch in question has never been pruned, you might want to try giving it a good wire cutting. If this does not help, you may want to try giving it sharp cut edges to try and thicken its tendrils. If you are growing evergreen bonsai trees then you should never prune them during the dormant winter months as this will stunt their growth.
The final growing tips I have for you about bonsai gardening is to remember that it is important to provide your plant with as much light as possible, no artificial light please. In fact you should never overlook the lighting aspect of your plant, as the leaves of your bonsai will start to grow and blossom much more rapidly if given full exposure to direct sunlight. Over exposure to the sun is also good for your decorative bonsai plants. Also try and give your plant as much space as possible, this will ensure that it has plenty of room to grow and prosper.