How To Grow A Bonsai Tree – 5 Popular Varieties To Start With
How to grow a bonsai tree can be a great hobby for both young and old. The beauty of bonsai trees are well known and people are looking for the best tree for any occasion. While bonsai are not the same as traditional trees, they still have the potential to become a beautiful centerpiece at your next big event. I will give you some information on how to grow a bonsai that suits your needs.
Ficus. Description: A deciduous tropical hardwood tree native to the islands in the East and South Pacific. There are two common varieties, the Satkuzi and Futurama. Where to grow ficus is normally in sunny and moist locations. In terms of bonsai trees for beginners, ficus make great starter plants because they are relatively easy to care for and beautiful in most conditions.
Guava. Description: One of the most popular bonsai trees. This species is native to Japan. Guava is a semi-evergreen and grows up to five feet tall. Because it is an evergreen, it makes the best bonsai trees for beginners because of its adaptability and ability to handle partial shade.
Ficus. Description: Also known as Bobulina, this is one of the most popular bonsai trees for beginners and also makes a good specimen tree. These beautiful trees have large and small leaves and are great for trimming and shaping.
Chinese Juniper. Description: Chinese junipers are fast-growing trees that are native to China and Asia. The leaves have a silver color to them, and the bark is gray and somewhat glossy when new growth is starting. When kept indoors, Chinese junipers are great specimens for bonsai, and they can even be kept as houseplants.
Jade. Description: This bonsai trees are fast growing, with large and small leaves. They are one of the most popular bonsai trees for beginners to grow, mainly due to their unique look. Jade also has a very soothing and calming effect, so it makes a good choice for indoor bonsai trees. Jade is a wonderful bonsai to grow because it has a tendency to resist insect attacks.
Pineapple. Description: This beautiful bonsai tree has dark green branches with red spots and brown spines on the branches. The trunk of the pineapple has a white pungent sap which makes it great for bonsai. It is easy to take care of, and grows easily in most conditions. As a bonus, the pineapple makes a great tropical accent plant.
One of the best things about learning how to grow a bonsai tree is that you will have a constant reminder of the art. Every time you trim a branch, you are actually adding one to your collection. Bonsai can mean many different things, but all of them share one thing-a natural beauty that is unique to bonsai trees. Your own special tree will become a part of your decor for years to come and will remind you of just how beautiful the art of bonsai can be.
Cherry Blossom. Description: This is a deciduous tree, which means it will bloom for a short period of the year. It is beautiful, naturally shaped bonsai that grow no larger than five centimeters, and blooms for just a few weeks each year. This article provides some information on growing cherry blossom bonsai.
Grape Vines. Description: This type of tree can be trained into a bonsai specimen by pruning. You can train it into a more traditional tree by removing some of its branches. This beautiful bonsai grows decently in most areas and is easy to care for. The grapevine bonsai will flower for a short period each year. This is one of the most popular types of trees used for bonsai, and it is easy to grow.
Chinese Elm. Description: This is a popular choice for beginners who are new to bonsai gardening. A Chinese Elm Bonsai is a deciduous tree that can easily be grown indoors or out. Chinese elms tend to be the size of small houses, and bloom for an entire year between blooming. This is one of the best choices for beginners who want to learn how to grow a bonsai.
Satya. Description: This deciduous tree is one of the oldest known trees and grows in many parts of Asia. It is one of the best choices for a beginner bonsai tree, because it is relatively easy to care for and looks great.