How to Grow Bonsai Trees

Bonsai is an original Japanese version of the classic Chinese fine art wood carving or penjing. Unlike pen Jing, which uses ancient traditional methods to create large natural scenes in small containers that resemble real plants, bonsai uses modern art and techniques of miniatureaturizing natural landscapes into miniature artworks. The end result is an amazing work of art that anyone who sees it will marvel at.


Historically, bonsai was originated in China, where artists imitated nature to create pictorial scenes that would be planted in small clay pots. Today, the Japanese have adopted the Japanese art form of miniatureaturizing trees and shrubs by planting them in pots on outdoor patios or balconies of homes. In addition to small Japanese garden plants, miniature trees are now being used in figurine gardens and bonsai pots. These gardens are often planted with tiny living plants that give off a sense of serenity and tranquility.

One of the most common mistakes when potting a Japanese dwarf juniper tree is over watering. Watering a bonsai tree should be done in small amounts, especially if the roots are new. Water deeply and allow the soil to drain naturally after each watering, taking care not to saturate the branches and twigs with the water. When the roots are saturated with water, they will begin to rot and wither, eventually resulting in the death of the tree.

Another pitfall of Bonsai is covering the tree with mulch. Bonsai trees should be repotted every two or three years, with a minimum interval of three years. This repotting should occur near the start of spring, when the growing season is full. When the roots are fairly new, the root systems will stretch and grow wide, covering much of the pot. Repotting should then be done before the trees foliage begins to die back.

If you are repotting your Bonsai tree, do not change the pot or trunk shape, as this will restrict the new root system. Instead, allow the tree to grow into its natural form. Over time, the roots will spread out, and the trunk will become more graceful. You can pinch off the young roots on a regular basis to keep the tree healthy. In addition, the smaller branches will catch the wind and move with it, naturally pulling more foliage from the main trunk and adding to the bonsai style.

When the tree starts to mature, there are several methods of pruning to accomplish artistic aesthetics. Most experts suggest pruning in the direction of the growth pattern of the tree, but this is by no means set in stone. The trunk should also appear to have a natural shape, not a forced shape. Occasionally, the roots of a Bonsai will grow into the branches of other plants and change their appearance. To achieve an artistic effect, pinch back the growing tips to create a more natural appearance.

When pruning, keep in mind that you are simply making the branches appear to be a part of the trunk of the tree. Pinching back too much is detrimental to the overall aesthetic of your bonsai design. Remember that when you are working with a natural element like a tree, the roots will be connected to the trunks, and the overall effect of the plant should be seen in the shape of a trunk. Keep this in mind when trimming.

Another way to achieve the artistic appearance of a tree with bonsai style, is to remember that the trunk grows upright, and the branches are in a horizontal direction. This can be achieved by pinching the trunks towards the base, but remember that you must remember that this is an unnatural look, and it will have to be re-done every so often. Instead, work with the natural growth of the tree, and strive to make the branches appear to grow upright. This is one of the easiest methods for developing a beautiful bonsai style.