The Beauty of Bonsai


The Beauty of Bonsai

Bonsai, like many of its eastern counterpart, originates in China. In Bonsai terminology, the word ‘Bonsai’ refers to the practice of growing and pruning particular species of potted plants, usually coniferous trees or shrubs. The term is derived from the Sanskrit word, ‘pun’ meaning small and ‘sai’ meaning being. Because Bonsai are not native to China, many consider the practice of Bonsai to be tantamount to tree gardening.

Bonsai are small specimen trees that are typically used for decoration purposes. Bonsai has been around for centuries, but their roots were never explored or understood by the Japanese. Bonsai are almost always hand-made, sometimes made with traditional tools and art techniques, and in some cases, are begun from scratch using Bonsai soil and traditional fertilizers. Bonsai are generally potted into containers that retain the shape of their root structure.

The main species of Bonsai are deciduous, or semi-dormant trees. There are four general species of this family: the Japanese maple, the hibiscus, the Chinese elm, and the Chinese quince. These trees vary in size, shape and growth habits. Some have flowers, leaves, and fruits; some do not. Typically, Bonsai are small, with an upright trunk; they may be dwarf species like the California Redwood or the ornamental crabapple tree, but they should never be miniature species like the Japanese maple or California Holly.

All Bonsai trees are coniferous. This means that they grow from the earth in a year-round cycle. When the plants reach maturity, the soil is returned to the earth and new Bonsai are planted in its place. In this way, Bonsai are perennial and can grow year-round. Some, such as the Chinese elm, form a small root system and remain small and stunted through the winter season, while others, such as the Japanese maple, become evergreen and continue to grow throughout the year.

Some Bonsai trees are large and bushy, such as the giant maple or the Chinese elm. Other types are not very thick or large, such as the hibiscus. You can buy Bonsai starter kits that contain pre-cut, pre-constructed Bonsai, or you can buy small Bonsai containers from specialty stores or online. In addition to providing Bonsai for your garden, they can also become art displays. Bonsai can be used as substitutes for other garden plants or trees in flower arrangements and vases, or they can stand alone in their own small pot.

Bonsai trees are a great conversational piece. They come in all colors and shapes and look exotic and original. They are often displayed by themselves in a small container, with a conversation going on about them. Bonsai have their own fans, and if Bonsai trees are in pots or containers, these fans can be kept blowing in the breeze or turned on an electric bulb. Another great idea is to put Bonsai pebbles on a table and have people take turns picking up the pebbles.

Growing Bonsai trees is an art form in itself. The small, pre-constructed Bonsai that you can buy at most nursery stores are pretty basic, but you can build an entire forest out of these little mini trees. Bonsai are truly amazing works of nature. They are works of art in miniature.

If you want to learn more about Bonsai, please check out our website. Our mission is to provide you with information on all forms of Bonsai, from the easiest to the most difficult species to keep alive. Bonsai gardening is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, whether as a hobby or as a way to enhance your home decor. Take time to visit our site today and learn more about Bonsai.