Which Bonsai Trees Are Indoor?

which bonsai trees are indoor

You want to know which bonsai trees are suitable for an indoor environment. While a lot of these types of plants will thrive outdoors, there are also some that can be grown in the home for an added touch of greenery.

Ficus retusa

Ficus retusa bonsai trees are indoor bonsai that are thriving and easy to care for. They are very versatile and can grow in virtually any soil. However, it is important to know some of the care requirements of this popular indoor tree.

Ficus retusa is a fast growing tree. It produces new growth all year long. It can grow to 20 meters in height. This makes it a very good decorative plant for modern homes. The smooth bark and reddish brown trunk make it a great choice for indoor display.

The Ficus retusa is resistant to most common plant diseases. It is tolerant to high humidity. In order to maintain its health, you will need to provide a humid environment and mist the tree frequently.

The tree needs to be kept in an area with sufficient light. You can place it near a window to allow light into the canopy. Alternatively, you can set up a humidity tray to help maintain the right humidity level.

The Ficus retusa bonsai needs proper air circulation. Place the tree in a room with a warm, sunny window. If you live in a cold climate, you may have to move the tree to a warmer spot.

If the temperature is too low, the Ficus retusa may drop its leaves. To avoid this, you should keep the temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature drops to below 60 degrees, it is time to bring your Ficus indoors.

Ficus ginseng

Ficus ginseng bonsai trees are ideal for those who like a tropical plant to keep indoors. It can be a fun hobby to learn how to care for this tree, which can also be an attractive gift for a friend.

Ficus ginseng can thrive in the home when placed in an area with high humidity and indirect light. You can place it in a south or east facing windowsill. Make sure to mist the tree frequently to keep it moist. This will help prevent fungal diseases.

Ginseng Ficus can tolerate droughts and mild temperatures. However, it should be protected from direct midday sunlight. Ideally, it should be kept in a room with temperatures that do not drop below 40 degrees.

You can purchase a slow release fertilizer for your Ficus Ginsai. It can be added sparingly each 1-2 months.

If you notice that your Ficus ginseng tree has fungus, you can treat it with a fungicide. Alternatively, it can be replanted into a clean container. Keep in mind that Ficus ginseng can spread a fungus to other plants, so it is best to separate the Ficus from other parts of your collection.

Ficus ginseng can lose its leaves for a number of reasons, including a lack of moisture or too much sun. The foliage can be trimmed to keep the plant from growing too tall.

It is also important to prune your Ficus ginseng regularly to maintain its original shape. This will encourage new branches and foliage to grow.

Chinese elm

If you’re looking for a beautiful, low maintenance indoor bonsai, Chinese elm bonsai trees are a good choice. These trees are not fully evergreen but they do retain their leaves for a few months during the summer. They grow about 70 feet tall outdoors, and can easily thrive indoors in a well lit location.

The Chinese Elm can be a great addition to any home or office. They are easy to care for, and are resistant to pests. However, they require plenty of light to maintain their foliage. It’s recommended to place the Chinese Elm in a room that gets at least four to six hours of direct sunlight each day.

When repotting, use a small amount of peat moss and two parts of loam. This will help the Chinese Elm form new roots. Make sure that the soil is slightly moist. Water the tree thoroughly after repotting.

Chinese elms require less water during the winter. In the spring and summer, however, they may require daily watering.

Chinese elms are very hardy plants. However, they can be damaged by extreme cold or exposure to sunlight. Therefore, they should be kept in a shady spot for two to four weeks after repotting.

Before you begin to feed your Chinese Elm, you should wait for the plant to settle in. This will ensure that it isn’t infected with pests or disease. Also, you should use a slow release granular feed.

Brazilian rain tree

If you are looking for a tropical tree to place in your indoor space, the Brazilian rain tree may be the perfect choice. It is a hardy tropical plant with a fluted trunk and light green compound leaves.

The Brazilian rain tree can grow in many environments. It can survive in dry conditions, but if you want it to look its best, you will need to give it plenty of moisture and plenty of light.

It is best to choose an area with bright, sunny windows. During the growing season, your tree will need to be watered thoroughly and kept indoors during colder weather.

Brazilian Rain Trees need regular trims to keep their trunks thick and sturdy. You can use the clip and grow method to shape your branches. However, be careful not to cut off any new growth.

Using a slow release fertilizer is a great way to keep your bonsai healthy. You can also apply liquid fertilizers every month through the winter.

Keeping your indoor bonsai safe from pests can be tricky. Spider mites and aphids can be a problem. Luckily, there are specific pesticides that are designed for controlling these types of insects.

The Brazilian rain tree is not only resistant to most pests, it’s also very easy to maintain. It can be a good choice for beginners.

You can keep the Brazilian rain tree in an indoor pot for a year, but if you live in a climate that experiences extreme heat, you might want to keep yours outdoors. When the temperature falls below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, you will need to bring it inside.


The Schefflera bonsai tree is one of the most popular indoor bonsai trees. They are easy to grow and are great for beginners. These plants have large, thick, waxy leaves with a radial growth pattern and a thin trunk.

These trees do well indoors, even in dim light and low humidity. The roots and trunks of Scheffleras are fleshy and have aerial roots. This helps them to absorb soil fertility.

They can also be propagated by cuttings. When the cuttings are placed in moist soil and watered, they sprout new root systems. A Schefflera should be repotted every two or three years.

During repotting, the root system is cleaned and the plant is repositioned. It is important to keep the pot in a shaded area. If the roots are too wet, the stems will die.

After repotting, a fungicide should be applied to the roots to combat root rot. Root rot is a fungal disease that causes softening and discoloration of the stems.

It is a good idea to use houseplant fertilizer to give the tree adequate nutrition. Apply the fertilizer once a month during the winter rest period and at least once a week during the summer. Dilute the fertilizer to half its strength.

Another advantage of Scheffleras is their adaptability. You can grow these plants in a terracotta or a plastic pot. However, you should use a medium that is not too big for the plant.


Portulacaria bonsai trees are very hardy. Their leaves are large and can store a lot of water. This makes them perfect indoor plants. The plant is also very low maintenance and is easy to grow.

Portulacaria is a very popular bonsai species. There are many varieties to choose from. They have green leaves and are sometimes variegated. If you are interested in keeping Portulacaria bonsai, you will need to learn how to care for this plant properly.

You should ensure that your Portulacaria afra bonsai has full sun in order to thrive. It can be grown in the interior, but it is better to keep it outdoors when it is warm and sunny. However, you should avoid exposing it to frost or cold weather.

Portulacaria afra is a hardy succulent that grows naturally in African regions. The leaves are often used in traditional medicine, and they are edible.

Portulacaria afra can be bought from specialty bonsai stores. It is also easy to propagate this plant. A cutting can be soaked in rooting hormone and then placed in a potting mix. As soon as it begins to take shape, you can begin pruning it. Partial defoliation will help counter drooping branches.

A small amount of water is needed in the winter to keep the tree healthy. However, it does not need to be drenched often. Watering should be avoided during the hot summer months, as the trunk can dry out easily.