Which Bonsai Trees Are Best For Indoors?

which bonsai trees are best for indoors

No matter your indoor gardening interests or home decor goals, bonsai trees offer elegant solutions. However, choosing the appropriate plant requires specific care instructions as each species possesses different aesthetic requirements and aesthetic characteristics.

Flame of the Forest

Flame of the Forest Bonsai Tree is an indoor bonsai hybrid variety that excels as an indoor bonsai when placed in an optimal lighting situation. This semi to evergreen displays beautiful small white flowers from early spring until late fall; furthermore, its brown bark features artistic roots. However, due to its higher maintenance requirements compared to other bonsai varieties it should not be recommended for beginners.

The Baobab bonsai makes an excellent indoor plant due to being an evergreen species with thick trunks and sturdy branches. Furthermore, its natural topiary look adds drama to any room – however this bonsai needs bright lighting conditions with regular watering needs compared to some species.

Other species that make ideal indoor bonsai trees include Chinese Elm and Pomegranate trees, both boasting stunning ramification and finely-textured leaves that add an unusual aesthetic to any room in which they are kept. Furthermore, these trees bloom and produce fruit during the summer season adding another level of beauty.

Other indoor bonsai varieties that require low maintenance and care, including Dwarf Jade and Chinese Sweet Plum plants. Both species thrive in temperate climates.

Satsuki Azalea

Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron indicum), native to Japan and known by many as “the fifth month azalea”, is one of the most cherished evergreen bonsai trees because of its stunning flowers.

They can be cared for easily, yet are particularly sensitive to cold temperatures; any temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit could result in damage or death for these delicate shrubs. It is best if they can remain outside under frost-free conditions until temperatures fall below this threshold, before being brought indoors at that time.

Satsuki azaleas require rich, organic soil that remains moist without becoming waterlogged, such as that provided by mulching regularly to preserve organic matter and retain moisture levels. Daily irrigation must take place to ensure their delicate root system stays well-watered to avoid potential water-related issues.

Satsuki azalea can be grown either as an upright plant, or more frequently seen as cascade, where its branch or trunk flows over the side of a pot. While this form is best seen on conifers, Satsuki azaleas have also proven themselves capable of performing this style with proper wiring and providing enough support.

As with other azalea species, Satsuki azaleas can withstand minor frosts and freezes without too much damage; however, extreme cold can be dangerous to an evergreen trained as a bonsai tree. Furthermore, this species needs full sun in order to produce strong flower buds with tight internodes; before making your purchase ask the merchant about his or her light requirements first.


Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is an iconic African tree and an emblem of life, longevity and hope in environments where little else grows. So impressive is it that some African folklore depicts it as being where spirits dwell – known as “Tree of Life” due to its abundance of nutrients-rich fruit and leaves during times of drought.

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to several species of baobab trees that thrive in woodland environments and rocky soil. Although they generally do not face much in the way of enemies or threats, young trees need protection from birds and mammals while even mature ones may fall victim to lightning strikes, severe winds or groundfire. Their thick trunk can reach heights of 12 metres (39 feet). Their leaves feature compound palmate leaves with kidney-shaped seeds encased within hard shells.

Baobab fruits are packed with vitamin C, while their leaves contain high concentrations of calcium, potassium and iron – essential elements that support overall good health. Baobab trees have long been a source of water in many parts of Africa – literally storing gallon-sized quantities during rainy seasons! In addition to being consumed as food and used as medicine due to anti-inflammatory properties as well as being an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, niacin and folic acid; powdered baobab products are also readily available that provide nutritional support for healthier skin health, hair health gut health energy as well as overall energy production.

Fukien Tea

Fukien Tea (Ulmus parvifolia) makes an excellent indoor bonsai because of its easy care requirements. With small leaves and tiny red fruits, Fukien Tea adds beauty and fragrance to any room while being resistant to pruning and blooming in multiple seasons.

Another advantage of this plant is that it can easily be shaped and styled. With its branching pattern and sturdy roots, this plant makes shaping easy. Plus, its foliage offers attractive character in the form of smooth tan color and unique appearance; making this an excellent addition to your home!

However, this bonsai can become susceptible to common pests, including spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs. These bugs can cause discolored spots on leaves and stems as well as wilting of plants; to combat this threat it is vital that you regularly inspect your tree for signs of infestation and take preventative steps accordingly.

Fukien Tea trees should be placed in sunny environments and provided with humidity trays or humidifiers that regulate air moisture. A simple humidity tray could consist of filling a large tray with gravel and water before placing it beneath your bonsai. Furthermore, weekly fertilization with half dilution bonsai fertilizers would also prove effective against pests infesting Fukien Tea bonsais.


Adenium, commonly referred to as Desert Rose, is one of the most vibrant and striking succulents. What sets this species apart from others is its thick caudex – often considered its trunk – which serves as its distinguishing feature.

Adenium offers striking visual appeal that makes it suitable for decorative purposes. This plant can thrive indoors as well as outdoors; indoors in an office space, outdoors in landscape settings or even bonsai collections. Adenium requires little care – simply prune to achieve different shapes and heights!

Adenium plants are slow-growing plants that do not need frequent repotting. When their roots start growing outside their pot, however, repotting should take place during spring.

As with other plants, Adeniums are susceptible to pests and diseases such as root and stem rot caused by overwatering or excess moisture.

Therefore, when caring for Adenium plants during wintertime it is wise to err on the side of dryness as Adenium plants can quickly become dehydrated when exposed to very cold temperatures. It is also vital to check regularly for spider mite infestations which are prevalent with this species – you can combat this with sprays of Neem oil or Rubbing Alcohol followed by raking away any fallen leaves to eliminate their spores.


Pomegranates (Punica granatum) is an ornamental deciduous shrub with fruit-bearing branches that is long used both decoratively and as an ingredient or garnish in cooking, drinks and cocktails. The delicious sweet-tart seeds often eaten whole as snacks are also popular cocktail mixers. Furthermore, its bright red juice has long been consumed as beverage or cocktail mixer while its peels, leaves and fruits contain compounds used medicinally.

Pomegranates is an ancient fruit first grown in Iran and northern India, which later spread around the globe. Once associated with fertility in Ancient Greece and Rome where its symbolism was associated with Aphrodite and Hera respectively. Furthermore, modern studies have discovered its wealth in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, B-complex Vitamin, calcium potassium iron.

Pomegranates possess natural anthelmintic properties that help kill parasitic worms and treat intestinal worm infestations. Furthermore, they’re effective against digestive conditions like ulcerations in the stomach and duodenum or Crohn’s Disease as they reduce inflammation and promote healing. Furthermore, antioxidants found in pomegranates can benefit heart health by decreasing cholesterol levels and blood pressure – as well as the seeds’ effectiveness at increasing hemoglobin levels – thus relieving symptoms associated with anemia like fatigue, weakness and dizziness.